Tuesday, January 1, 2019

We're still here

And so another year begins . . . .

I remember when the year 2000 was approaching.  All the stores were selling stuff to stockpile, we weren't going to be able to use our credit cards, cell phones, computers, electricity was going to be a thing of the past.  The end really was coming.

We went to Gunstock for a long weekend of skiing as they offered night skiing on New Year's Eve.  I remember being with my family standing about halfway up the hill and looking down at the ski lodge.  Then I realized that we had actually missed the 5...4...3...2...1 Happy New Year 2000!!  It was probably about 12:30 am at that point.  I was looking at the lodge and realized the lights were still on, the lifts were still running, didn't hear any "shots heard round the world".  I was going to go back to work on Monday morning.   

And here we still are, 19 years later.  Another day arrives, another year arrives, the lights are still on.

Happy 2019 to everyone!  

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